Every once in a while, the internet gets together and declares that a perfectly normal aspect of the human anatomy is actually a huge issue. Enter into evidence the “thigh gap” conversation of the 2010s (reinvented into the “leggings legs” trend of the 2020s) and, recently, the “hip dip” trend that’s corroding social media feeds
As we witness women’s sports breaking records left and right, money has consistently been at the center of the conversation. People want to know what pay equity really looks like. But in addition to debates about revenue shares and sponsorship dollars, there’s another factor that must be considered: financial literacy. After all, it’s hard to
If you’ve ever been midway through a run and experienced that urgent, need-a-bathroom-right-now feeling in the pit of your stomach, you’re not alone. Over 800 people a month search the question, “why does running make you poop?” looking for answers. So we talked to Linda Nguyen, MD, a gastroenterologist at Stanford Health Care, to find
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Muscle soreness is about as comfortable as running into your ex in the weight room (meaning, not at all). And even worse is delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which can be even more brutal. Though they’re not exactly the same thing (more on that later), muscle soreness and DOMS are often used interchangeably, and both