Fitness Workout for Men
For more workouts to develop v-cut abs, along with exact diet you should follow for your body type, check out my free body type quiz –

In this video I take you through some of the best ab exercises you can do to get that v-cut abs look. One of the most common questions I get is how to get a six pack, the answer is you can do all the ab workouts in the world but if your diet is not on point – you’ll never see your abs, so check out the free quiz above if you haven’t yet done so!

As for this workout, I show you 6 different oblique exercises you can do with absolutely no equipment required. 3 Sets of 10 Reps for each exercise below, with a 30 second rest between each set:

1) Side Plank Hip Raise
2) Floor Wipers
3) Side Jack Knives
4) Side Plank Knee to Elbow
5) Straight Arm Russian Twists
6) Straight Leg Side Crunches

Give this workout a try and let me know what you thought down below! Better yet, share it with a friend to try out!

Thanks for watching, see you in the next video!


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Intro Song: Always Have by Castor Troy

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